Fire, Water, & Electric Types

Fire Types
Fire types are hard to come by in any Pokemon game, but don't worry, you have the option of picking one out of the three starter Pokemon available at the start of any game.  Fire types are one of the least abundant of any of the types, but can be a powerful ally if you use one.  A Fire  type Pokemon or a Pokemon that knows Fire type moves is always a good asset to any team because Fire is one of the few types that is good against Steel (which is resistant to 11 different types).

Strong Against:Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel
Bad Against:Fire, Water, Rock, Dragon
Weak Against:Water, Ground, Rock
Resistant To:Fire, Grass, Ice, Bug, Steel

Water Types
Water types are another abundant type of Pokemon.  A Water type Pokemon may join your team at the start of any game because a Water type is one of the possible starter Pokemon you get to choose from.  The Water type itself is very balanced, being good against a few types and resistant to a few as well, plus it only has two weaknesses to watch out for.  A Water type or a Pokemon that knows Water type moves would be important for any team.

Strong Against:Fire, Ground, Rock
Bad Against:Water, Grass, Dragon
Weak Against:Grass, Electric
Resistant To:Fire, Water, Ice, Steel

Electric Types
Electric types tend to be fast, and are one of the least abundant of the types.  Electric types are fortunate to have only one weakness - Ground types - but this is offset by the fact that Electric type attacks do not even effect Ground types.  Electric type Pokemon are a good asset to a team, but they tend to have a low defense stat which doesn't help them against Ground type Pokemon and attacks. 

Strong Against: Water, Flying
Bad Against: Grass, Electric, Ground (no effect), Dragon
Weak Against: Ground
Resistant To: Electric, Flying, Steel

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