General Overview (Start Here)

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Starting a new Pokemon adventure can seem quite daunting, there are so many things going on, it may be hard to know where to start. But don't worry, no trainer ever became a Pokemon Master in a day! With my help you can have a better understanding of the basics of Pokemon, and you may even end up knowing more than your friends ;)

This is a standard Summary Page for your Pokemon (this example is from Pokemon X and Pokemon Y). Here you can see many different types of information about a Pokemon, including: various stats (HP, ATTACK, etc.), nature, ability, moves learned, and so on. But what exactly do these things mean? Well I'm glad you asked! Below are a series of links leading to a detailed description of each major part of this Pokemon summary:

- Moves and Move Types (Physical, Special, & Status)
- Levels and Gaining Experience Points
- Pokemon Types 
- Pokemon Genders, Natures, and Abilities
- Items and Held Items

If you have any questions, feel free to ask and I will respond as quickly as I can!

Oak out!

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